
1. Who is eligible to attend Oregon Marathi Shala (OMS)?

Ans: Anyone interested in learning Marathi can attend OMS. The minimum requirement is that student must be at least 5 years old and currently enrolled in Kindergarten.

2. How do I enroll in OMS?

Ans: Fill out online registration from OMS Student Registration Form and pay the fee on Oregon Marathi Mandal website (Go to Membership page and then pay via Paypal). The annual fee for the academic year is $60 per student (since September 2024).

3. Where and when are the classes held?

Ans: Please find all the details on the Location & Time page.

4. How can I volunteer for OMS?

Ans: Fill out the online OMS Volunteer Registration Form. After submission of the Volunteer registration form, you will be contacted to attend OMS Volunteer orientation session. Once you attend orientation, you can volunteer for OMS.


1. How do I sign-up for OMS Library ?

Ans: This is inactive at this time in 2024. 

(Old information: Please fill up the Sign-up from and turn it in at Shala on Sunday. Also please steps from this guide)